PU-AMI Jordan
Première Urgence – Aide Médicale Internationale is a not-for-profit, non-political and non-religious NGO. Created in April 2011 from the merger of 2 French NGOs (PU and AMI), its objective is to bring about a global response to the basic needs of populations suffering from acute humanitarian crisis and to allow them to recover their autonomy and dignity. PU-AMI is mostly involved in the Syrian Crisis, and implements programmes in most of the countries affected by the conflict. In Jordan, PU-AMI is aiming at upgrading housing units through the distribution of Sealing-Off Kits, providing Emergency Cash assistance and developing a referral system in the governorates of Amman, Zarqa, Balqa and Jerash.
Address 12, Baounieh street, Jabal Al Weibdeh, Amman Jordan Contacts
Role Head of Mission - Jordan Full Name Celina HELENO Email [email protected]
PU-AMI Lebanon
Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale is a not-for-profit, non-political and non-religious NGO. Born in April 2011 from the merger of 2 highly experienced and complementary French NGOs (PU and AMI), its objective is to bring about a global response to the basic needs of populations suffering from acute humanitarian crisis and to allow them to recover their autonomy and dignity. In Lebanon, PU-AMI intervenes in the areas of food security, WASH, shelter, health and rehabilitation in three regions, namely the Akkar district in North Governorate, Beirut and Mount Lebanon Governorates, and Saida and Jezzine districts in the South Governorate.
Address Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale,
Sassine square, Paragon Building,
3rd floor,
Full Name Jean-Bernard BOUVIER Email [email protected]