Democratic Republic of the Congo Country Refugee Response Plan (CRRP) 2019-2020

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Type de document: National Refugee Response Plans
Type de document: English
Date de publication: 7 February 2019 (6 years ago)
Créé: 7 February 2019 (6 years ago)
Téléchargements: 6,821

Democratic Republic of the Congo Country Refugee Response Plan (CRRP) 2019-2020

Type de document: National Refugee Response Plans
Langue(s): English
The 2019-2020 Country Refugee Response Plan for DRC presents the biannual inter-agency effort to capture the needs of refugees who found asylum in the country.


  • République démocratique du Congo

Groupe de population

Pays Groupes
Rwanda Rwanda - Refugees, Rwanda - People in Refugee-Like Situations, Rwanda - Asylum-Seekers, Rwanda - Refugee Returnees
Burundi Burundi - Refugees, Burundi - Asylum-Seekers, Burundi - Refugee Returnees, Burundi - People in Refugee-Like Situations
République Centrafricaine Central African Republic - Refugees
South Sudan South Sudan - Refugees
République démocratique du Congo Congo (Democratic Republic) - Refugees
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