Press release: Seven years since the Rohingya refugee influx in Bangladesh, UNHCR reminds need for international solidarity (English)

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Type de document: Press Releases
Type de document: English
Date de publication: 25 August 2024 (6 months ago)
Créé: 25 August 2024 (6 months ago)
Téléchargements: 370

Press release: Seven years since the Rohingya refugee influx in Bangladesh, UNHCR reminds need for international solidarity (English)

Type de document: Press Releases
Langue(s): English
On 25 August 2017, some 700,000 Rohingya men, women and children were forced to flee Myanmar and seek protection in Bangladesh, joining those who had fled in previous years. The generosity by the Government and the people of Bangladesh in providing the Rohingya temporary refuge was supported by the international community and has been critical in meeting the refugees’ protection and basic needs, alongside assistance provided to local hosting communities. But in recent months security issues and funding uncertainties undermine all but the most critical and life-saving assistance.


  • Bangladesh
  • Cox's Bazar
  • Bhasan Char

Groupe de population

Pays Groupes
Myanmar - Asylum-seekers
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