UNHCR - Cash and Shelter: Access to sustainable housing through cash assistance – key considerations and learning

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Type de document: Guidance
Type de document: English
Date de publication: 30 April 2024 (10 months ago)
Créé: 30 May 2024 (9 months ago)
Téléchargements: 315

UNHCR - Cash and Shelter: Access to sustainable housing through cash assistance – key considerations and learning

Type de document: Guidance
Langue(s): English
This recently published guidance document focuses on the use of cash assistance to enhance shelter solutions. It emphasizes the importance of unrestricted cash for sustainable housing, covering aspects like rent, repairs, and construction. Aligned with UNHCR’s Policy on Cash-Based Interventions, the document provides essential insights for planning, implementation, and monitoring on Cash for Housing. Additionally, it shares practical examples from diverse contexts and highlights good practice case studies from Kenya, Ethiopia, and Ukraine


  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
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