Estimated IDPs by zone

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

Somalia: Internal Displacement

Somalia: Internal Displacement

Interactive data visualisation of displacements monitored by UNHCR Protection and Return Monitoring Network (PRMN)

Estimated IDPs in Somalia JSON  .CSV 
Last updated 05 Feb 2024
Source - SNBS - Somalia National Bureau of Statistics 
Refugees in Somalia JSON  .CSV 
Last updated 31 Jan 2024
Source - UNHCR 
Asylum-seekers in Somalia JSON  .CSV 
Last updated 31 Jan 2024
Source - UNHCR 
Refugee Returnees in Somalia JSON 
Last updated 31 Jan 2024
Source - UNHCR 
Total IDPs by date JSON  .CSV 
Somalia Funding (2023)
174.2000,00 US$
Total appeal
Date of Funding Data 30 June 2023 (1 year ago)
CCCM COVID-19 Contingency Plan
There are over 2,000 recorded IDP sites hosting 2.6 m displaced people across Somalia. People displaced to these informal sites are living in precarious conditions. The sites are overcrowded, lack dignified living conditions and enough access to basic services. An estimated 360,000 people in IDP sites are persons with various disabilities, 48 percent are women while five percent are elderly.
CCCM Operations Guidance for COVID
CCCM partners in Somalia play a critical role in administering site­‐level coordination which feeds up to the national level. As a result, it is imperative that CCCM partners are equipped with guidance in order to continue site-­‐level activities supporting displaced with the ongoing COVID-­‐ 19 pandemic.
CCCM Somalia Data Portal
Given the conflict, insecurity, drought, and floods an estimated 2.9 million people have been displaced in Somalia. The majority of people have self-settled in over 2,400+ sub-standard IDP sites in urban and peri-urban areas across the country. People displaced to these sites are living in precarious conditions and are not having their basic needs met due to inconsistent service provision or exclusion from accessing humanitarian support. 85% of the sites are informal settlements on private land and about 74% of them are in urban areas according to the Detailed Site Assessment (DSA) of the CCCM Cluster.
CCCM Somalia/REACH - 2021 Detailed Site Assessment (DSA)
The Detailed Site Assessment (DSA) was initiated in coordination with the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) cluster in order to provide the humanitarian community with up-to-date information on the location of IDP sites, the conditions and capacity of the sites, and an estimate of the severity of humanitarian needs of residents. Data collection for the current round of the DSA took place from November 10th to December 20th, 2021 and assessed 2,986 IDP sites in 47 districts across Somalia and Somaliland.
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