UNHCR in Sudan – Being a Refugee in Sudan – 2019 Participatory Assessment Report

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Document Type: Evaluaciones
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 28 September 2020 (4 years ago)
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UNHCR in Sudan – Being a Refugee in Sudan – 2019 Participatory Assessment Report

Document Type: Evaluaciones
Document Language: English
Based on interviews with over 6,000 refugees across Sudan, the report presents first-hand accounts of refugees’ aspirations, challenges, needs and often suffering. The interviews, which were carried out between October and December 2019, touch on the refugees experiences with sexual and gender-based violence, access to education, physical security, access to water, child protection and access to justice among other themes. The report is key in enhancing the accountability and effectiveness of UNHCR’s operation in Sudan and creates a foundation for its programmatic and practical work with communities and stakeholders.


  • Adventist Development and Relief Agency
  • Africa Humanitarian Action
  • CARE International
  • Cooperazione Internazionale
  • Danish Refugee Council
  • Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V.
  • International Medical Corps
  • International Rescue Committee
  • Islamic Relief Worldwide
  • Mercy Corps
  • Medecins Sans Frontieres
  • Plan International
  • Relief International
  • Save the Children International
  • United Nations Populations Fund
  • United Nations Children's Fund
  • World Food Programme
  • World Health Organization
  • World Vision
  • Commissioner for Refugees - Sudan
  • Human Appeal
  • American Refugee Committee
  • Nada Elazhar for Disaster Prevention and Sustainable Development
  • Al Manar Voluntary Organization
  • Global Aid Hand
  • United Peace Organization
  • Business Professianel Women’s Organization
  • Al-Mutawinat Group
  • Baladna for Development
  • CAFA Development Organization
  • Child Development Organization
  • El Ruhama For Development and humanitarian Aid
  • Forests National Corporation
  • Hopes and Homes for Children organizationHopes and Homes for Children organization
  • National Initiative for Development Organization
  • Sudan State Council for Child Welfare
  • Sudanese Red Crescent Society
  • Water and Environment and Sanitation Corportation-Sudan


  •  Health and Nutrition
  •  Health
  •  Food Security
  •  Emergency Shelter and NFI
  •  Community Services
  •  Education
  •  Livelihood & Social Stability
  •  Gender Based Violence
  •  Child Protection
  •  Legal Assistance
  •  Access to Energy


  • Sudan

Population Group

Country Group
Sudan Sudan - Refugees, Sudan - Asylum-Seekers
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