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UNHCR Ethiopia Operation Cash Based Intervention (CBI) Dashboard Quarter 4 2019

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Document Type: Panel de indicadores y hojas informativas , 3W
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 7 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Upload Date: 7 May 2020 (4 years ago)
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UNHCR Ethiopia Operation Cash Based Intervention (CBI) Dashboard Quarter 4 2019

Document Type: Panel de indicadores y hojas informativas , 3W
Document Language: English
The Refugee Cash Task Force offers a platform to coordinate and harmonize the implementation of cash assistance in refugee context in Ethiopia. As of 31-December-2019, 8 organizations reported ongoing cash activities in 13 Settlements. This snapshot provides an overview of cash programming implemented in the quarter Q4 of (01-October-2019 - 31-December-2019) for the humanitarian response in Ethiopia.


  •  Cash Assistance


  • Ethiopia

Population Group

Country Group
Ethiopia Somalia - Refugees, South Sudan - Refugees, Eritrea - Refugees, Sudan - Refugees
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