Joint Vulnerability Assessment, JVA, UNHCR and WFP, July 2018
Document Type: | Evaluaciones , Datos y estadísticas |
Document Type: | English |
Publish Date: | 2 August 2018 (6 years ago) |
Upload Date: | 2 August 2018 (6 years ago) |
Downloads: | 2,405 |
Joint Vulnerability Assessment, JVA, UNHCR and WFP, July 2018
Document Type: | Evaluaciones , Datos y estadísticas |
Document Language: | English |
The assessment investigated the status of Syrian refugees – in camps and outside of camps – to determine food-targeting criteria that would allow programme adjustments based on needs. It also was designed to address long-standing concerns expressed by refugees and local authorities regarding previous targeting.( Extracted from the Exhaustive Summary of the Assessment, page 4)
Kurdistan Regional Governement - Development and Modification Center
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
World Food Programme
Health and Nutrition
Food Security
Livelihood & Social Stability
Cash Assistance
Basic Needs
- Iraq
Population Group
Country | Group |
Iraq | Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees |