MMC-IOM We Left After Losing Everything: The Impact of Drought on Climate-related Displacement in Ethiopia and Somalia, August 2023

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Document Type: Informes y evaluaciones
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 23 August 2023 (1 year ago)
Upload Date: 23 August 2023 (1 year ago)
Downloads: 487

MMC-IOM We Left After Losing Everything: The Impact of Drought on Climate-related Displacement in Ethiopia and Somalia, August 2023

Document Type: Informes y evaluaciones
Document Language: English
We Left After Losing Everything: The Impact of Drought on Climate-related Displacement in Ethiopia and Somalia (August 2023) is the product of a collaboration between IOM and the Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) focusing on the impacts of drought on mobility in the Horn of Africa, with an emphasis on examining mobility patterns. This study focuses on the experiences of drought-affected Ethiopians and Somalis who have moved internally within the borders of their country of origin. It examines their profiles, drivers and triggers of movement, access to assistance and considerations around return or onward movement.


  • International Organization for Migration
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