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Restart Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture and Violence

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  • Restart Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture and Violence

    Restart Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture and Violence Restart Center is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) active in the field of rehabilitation of victims of torture and violence. Restart was established in 1996. It is a founder member for (AMAN) Network in the Middle East and North Africa and a member Center in (IRCT) International Rehabilitation Council for Torture victims 2003. Restart Center Director is Ms. Suzanne Jabbour. Our Vision Respect for Human Rights, dignity and integrity of each individual. Help alleviate the human suffering resulting from torture for the individual, the family members and the community Prevent torture by ensuring Human Rights through raising awareness on both community and state levels for the prohibition of torture Our Mission To facilitate psychosocial, medical and physical rehabilitation process of torture survivors and their families. To educate professionals and the public about torture and its consequences To advocate for the abolition of torture To promote healthy coping for children and women after traumatic events Our main Goal The center aims at contributing to upgrading the mental and psycho-social wellbeing of refugees. Objectives: To offer physical psychological and social rehabilitation to any individual victim of torture and violence and their family members and to refugees. To develop awareness program about torture. To enable the torture survivors to become productive members in their societies. To cooperate with local and international NGO’s governmental bodies and networking among concerned professionals. To apply and gather research to develop our services. To facilitate the social functioning by strengthening adaptive coping mechanisms and providing the access of social opportunities. To create a central source of information and statistics on psychosocial problems facing refugees. To develop a network and collaboration systems among non-governmental and governmental organizations in Lebanon. To promote awareness of all concerned stakeholders towards the refugees issues and their needs. To develop Mental Health preventive mechanisms for the refugees and their family members. To promote the development of a secure environment for children affected by armed conflicts. To encourage the social integration among children residing in Lebanon and to open the public debate on children rights. To cooperate with the concerned authorities in order to promote the spread of a Human Right culture in Lebanon.
