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UNHCR Guidelines on international protection : Application of the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees to victims of trafficking and persons at risk of being trafficked

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Document Type: Guidance
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 7 April 2006 (18 years ago)
Upload Date: 13 September 2019 (5 years ago)
Downloads: 1,715

UNHCR Guidelines on international protection : Application of the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees to victims of trafficking and persons at risk of being trafficked

Document Type: Guidance
Document Language: English
UNHCR’s involvement with the issue of trafficking is essentially twofold. Firstly, the Office has a responsibility to ensure that refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced persons (IDPs), stateless persons and other persons of concern do not fall victim to trafficking. Secondly, the Office has a responsibility to ensure that individuals who have been trafficked and who fear being subjected to persecution upon a return to their country of origin, or individuals who fear being trafficked, whose claim to international protection falls within the refugee definition contained in the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees are recognized as refugees and afforded the corresponding international protection.


  •  Human Trafficking


Population Group

Country Group
Niger Niger - Refugees/Migrants
Senegal Senegal - Refugees/Migrants
Nigeria Nigeria - Refugees/Migrants
Guinea Guinea - Refugees/Migrants
Ghana Ghana - Refugees/Migrants
Gambia Gambia - Refugees/Migrants
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