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2018 Response Planning Meeting: Pakistani refugees in Khost and Paktika

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Document Type: Meeting Minutes and Presentations
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 11 October 2017 (7 years ago)
Upload Date: 11 December 2017 (7 years ago)
Downloads: 1,333

2018 Response Planning Meeting: Pakistani refugees in Khost and Paktika

Document Type: Meeting Minutes and Presentations
Document Language: English
The purpose of the meeting was for UNHCR, partners and other stakeholders, e.g donors, to discuss 2018 plans for Pakistani refugees in Khost and Paktika to ensure coordination and collect suggestions related to the envisaged strategic approach for this population group. UNHCR provided an update on the Khost and Paktika situation. WFP and UNHCR also presented on the findings of the joint vulnerability assessment conducted in May-June 2017, before participants discussed their respective plans for 2018.


  • Afghanistan

Population Group

Country Group
Afghanistan Pakistan - Refugees
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