HCR CORE |CHAD| Sudan Emergency Stuation as of 07082023 EN

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Document Type: Maps and geodata , CORE
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 8 August 2023 (1 year ago)
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HCR CORE |CHAD| Sudan Emergency Stuation as of 07082023 EN

Document Type: Maps and geodata , CORE
Document Language: English
Since the beginning of the conflict in Sudan on April 15, 2023, the CNARR, UNHCR, and IOM have been registering an influx of Sudanese refugees and Chadian returnees from Darfur at 33 border entry points in eastern Chad.


  • Commission Nationale pour l'Accueil et la Réinsertion des Réfugiés et des Rapatriés
  • International Organization for Migration


  •  Protection
  •  Camp Coordination and Management
  •  Registration
  •  Child Protection
  •  Camp Coordination Camp Management (CCCM)


  • Chad

Population Group

Country Group
Ethiopia Sudan - Refugees
Chad Sudan - Refugees
Eritrea Sudan - Refugees
Central African Republic Sudan - Refugees
Egypt Sudan - Refugees
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