

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has presence in Ecuador since 2000 to deliver protection and promote the inclusion of asylum-seekers, refugees, stateless people, and other people who were forced to leave their countries.

The operation collaborates with national authorities, non-governmental organizations and communities, as well as with the international community present in the country. UNHCR strives to provide a comprehensive and multi-faceted protection and assistance, either during emergencies or with a long-term perspective. The wide variety of activities is mainly are coordinated from the country office in Quito as well as through Sub-Offices in Quito, Guayaquil, and Ibarra, to reach nearly all the Ecuadorian territory. UNHCR also has field offices in Esmeraldas and Lago Agrio, and field units in Tulcan, Huaquillas, Cuenca, Manta y Ambato.

Ecuador is a country of destination and transit for people in need of international protection. Over the past two decades, the country has been hosting one of Latin America’s largest recognized refugee populations, the majority of whom fled from Colombia. Ecuador has also become a main destination for Venezuelan refugees and migrants.

Protection Monitoring - 2022 statistics

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Redes de apoyo facilitan la protección e integración de personas refugiadas en Ecuador

UNHCR, 04 May 2023

Las personas refugiadas y otras en situación de movilidad humana que residen Ecuador sienten mayor seguridad cuando tienen una red de apoyo que les ayuda a resolver problemas y acceder a información vital para ejercer sus derechos fundamentales. Este es uno de los principales resultados del informe ... إقرأ المزيد


Corto animado pone luz sobre el impacto y la necesidad de respuesta a la violencia de género en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú

UNHCR, 03 Apr 2023

ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados y la organización Amnistía Internacional lanzan un corto animadoLink is external que muestra el impacto de la violencia de género hacia mujeres y personas LGBTIQ+ refugiadas y migrantes, y las acciones que implementan en países como Colombia, Ecuador y... إقرأ المزيد


ACNUR y Ministerio de la Mujer firman acuerdo para promover una cultura de paz, los derechos humanos y la respuesta a la violencia de género

UNHCR, 31 Mar 2023

ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados, y el Ministerio de la Mujer y Derechos Humanos firmaron hoy un acuerdo que busca desarrollar estrategias conjuntas que promuevan los derechos humanos, la cultura de paz, y la prevención, mitigación de riesgos y respuesta a la violencia de género que s... إقرأ المزيد

Persons of Concern in Ecuador JSON 
آخر تحديث 31 Jan 2024
Source - UNHCR 
Refugees in Ecuador JSON 

The historical number of recognized refugees in Ecuador is 76,265 (Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, as of November 2023). In the UNHCR database the following are registered as active:
آخر تحديث 31 Jan 2024
Source - UNHCR 
Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela in Ecuador JSON 

The source for the total number of refugees and migrants from Venezuela in Ecuador is R4V (Response for Venezuelans). Some of the Venezuelan refugees and migrants may be included in the below numbers of refugees(see also
آخر تحديث 07 Sep 2023
Asylum seekers in Ecuador JSON 

Individuals confirmed that have been admitted to RSD processing. The figure includes asylum-seekers whose claims have been denied at first instance and are pending appeal.
آخر تحديث 31 Jan 2024
Source - UNHCR 
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Funding Requirements Ecuador (2023)
٧٦٬٠٠٠٬٠٠٠٫٠٠ US$
Total appeal
Date of Funding Data 21 February 2023 (1 year ago)