Stateless Persons in Cape Verde JSON 
آخر تحديث 31 Jul 2023
Source - UNHCR 
Persons of Concern in Cape Verde

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

   Situations related to this Country
  • Cabo Verde - Regional Bureau for West and Central Africa

    With ongoing crises in the Central African Republic (CAR), Mali and Nigeria, as well as increased insecurity in Burkina Faso, more than 7 million people are internally displaced across the region. In this challenging context, UNHCR will assume its tri-cluster leadership role, provide direct assistance to IDPs, ensure that protection is placed at the centre of the multi-stakeholder humanitarian response and that solutions are pursued in coordination with all partners, including key development actors. “The West and Central Africa region faces multiple humanitarian and development challenges. This has not stopped its governments and people from showing solidarity with nearly 5 million refugees and internally displaced people. To be sustainable, this solidarity needs to be supported by adequate funding.” Regional Bureau Director: Mr. Abdouraouf Gnon Konde.

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