Winterization Task Force - Jordan

  Working Group Description

The Winterization Task Force was formed in order to better coordinate the winterization assistance provided to Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians. It meets in a bi- monthly basis, with membership of representatives of about fifteen NGO and UN agencies mainly from the NFI, Cash and Shelter Sectors. The main purposes of the Winterization TF are to - Identify the winter needs of most vulnerable Syrians and Jordanians – standardize the provision of winterization assistance - coordinate the winterization interventions in urban and camps by minimising the risk of duplication - facilitate the flow of information between agencies, and other for a through the regular update of the Winterization dashboard - facilitate the referrals process among agencies by promoting the use of common database and other of line tools - ensure that gender equality programming is properly reflected in winterization activities.

  Working Group Documents
Working Group Chairs
Working Group Key Contacts
  • Lara Amro

    UNHCR  Assistant Programme Cash-Based Interventions Officer.
  • Afaf Sito

    IOM  Senior Project Assistant