WASH Working Group - Jordan

  Working Group Description

The WASH sector aims to provide water, sanitation and hygiene services to affected populations of the Syrian refugee crisis in camp and non-camp settings. The key objectives of the WASH sector in Jordan are as follows: 1) to ensure safe, equitable and sustainable access to a sufficient quantity of water for drinking, cooking, personal and domestic hygiene practices; 2) to provide safe and appropriate sanitation facilities; 3) to minimize the risk of WASH related diseases through access to improved hygienic practices, hygiene promotion and delivery of hygienic products and services on a sustainable and equitable basis; and 4) to establish and maintain effective mechanisms for WASH coordination at national and sub-national levels. The WASH response is designed to respect a list of WASH minimum standards and requirements for water supply, hygiene, sanitation, and WASH in camp and non-camp settings. These standards are based on national standards, Sphere standards, UNHCR WASH standards for refugees and have been agreed by all WASH partners including the Government of Jordan. The WASH working group is chaired by UNICEF.

  Working Group Documents
Working Group Chairs
Working Group Key Contacts
WASH: In March, WASH services were provided to 119,156 Syrian refugees, including 67,460 children, living in Azraq, Zaatari, and King Abdulla camps and host communities.
12 Apr 2018
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