Protection Working Group - Jordan

  Working Group Description

The Protection Working Group was established in 2014 with 55 partners and aims at supporting a comprehensive and coordinated protection approaches through the Agency Protection Strategy developed by PWG members centered on (i) ensuring access to fundamental rights, including the right to seek asylum and timely access to registration and documentation as a prerequisite for proper protection delivery; (ii) expanding community outreach and development of community-based protection mechanisms, with a focus on community empowerment and self-reliance, and ensuring that women, girls, boys and men are engaged in the planning, implementation and evaluation of services; (iii) mitigating and reducing the risks and consequences of GBV, while improving the quality of multi-sectoral response services, as well as expanding access and reach of services; (iv) ensuring that emergency child protection interventions are strengthened and harmonized; and (v) exploring third country resettlement/durable solution options as a protection response to cases with special needs. In 2021, the Protection Sector will prioritize interventions that swiftly and substantially increase the level of support available to the Government of Jordan and communities hosting refugees, thereby mitigating the socio-economic pressures generated by the refugee influx. The Protection Sector will also work with other humanitarian response sectors to mainstream protection into the refugee response, including through the strengthening of area-based protection coordination and referral mechanisms. The PWG mid-terms objectives revolve around more advocacy intervention with the government to ensure the persons of concern's legal and physical safety. Areas in need of advocacy include acceptance of expired identity documents for access to services, favorable consideration in the treatment of non-Syrian refugees with health services, and financial assistance and support in the access of persons of concern to the work market. The PWGTF established in 2020 will facilitate improved coordination between MoSD and the PWG around protection risks and related interventions and provide technical and policy support to strengthen Jordan's social protection system. The primary responsibilities of the PWGTF include a) coordination on vulnerability and impact assessments for both Jordanians and non-Jordanians, including exploring options for joint assessments; b) expanding and strengthening the NSPS to mainstream refugee assistance into the national strategy, allow for needs-based programming across all populations and to ensure all vulnerable individuals have access to adequate social protection services; c) ensuring complementarity and harmonization with MoSD engagements and promoting data collection and assessment result sharing to minimize protection gaps; and d) providing technical and policy support on other issues as required related to the inclusion of refugees in national systems and guidance on refugee needs, including supporting the development of protection related policy frameworks and development strategies.

  Working Group Documents
Working Group Chairs
Working Group Key Contacts
-The Protection Working Group commenced to review the status and protection concerns of refugees from countries other than Syria, with the support of several NGOs whose work is focused on these refugees.
11 Jul 2018
• The Protection WG started to plan having a thematic discussion on a different topics of concern and interest to the members. Agenda for the thematic discussion has been finalized in April and agencies lead were assigned for each theme. • During April PWG meeting, UNHCR gave a detailed presentation on the new Amnesty was announced by the GOJ(criteria and updates). The amnesty will continue until 27 Sep 2018. After five weeks of the start of the amnesty, around 9,000 families registered for an appointment to rectify their situation. Data segregated by age and gender will be shared with PWG later on.
15 May 2018
Commencement of Rectification of Status Campaign (“amnesty”): The Government of Jordan announced the commencement of a rectification of status campaign to regularize the legal status of certain Syrian refugees in Jordan.
19 Apr 2018
During February, Protection Sector gender focal points presented the summary of their developed Protection Sector Gender Analysis that was conducted by the Sector’s Gender Focal Points (SGBV, CP and Protection), the study aims to assess the gender dimensions of the protection needs and challenges facing Syrian refugees in Jordan.
18 Mar 2018
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