[Merged] Basic Needs Working Group - Jordan

  Basic Needs Working Group in Jordan

For the first time in Jordan and starting in 2015, the Basic Needs Sector will bring together partners from camp and non-camp settings working on the delivery of basic needs items or basic needs assistance that is monetized. As this represents effectively a merger of the Non-Food Items (NFI) and Cash Assistance Sectors of RRP6, monetized assistance will also include broader unconditional cash interventions in order to address the needs of Syrian women, girls, boys and men in the context of Jordan. The main approach is to support and strengthen the link between emergency assistance and more durable solutions in responding to the humanitarian crisis by maintaining a platform for all partners and stakeholders to coordinate their response through information sharing, developing of needs based standards and mitigating against overlapping while monitoring the equal access of women, girls, boys and men to assistance.

  Working Group Documents
Working Group Chairs
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

    UNHCR Jordan

    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • International Organization for Migration


    International Organization for Migration
Working Group Key Contacts
  • Mette Karlsen

    UNHCR  UNHCR Senior Program CBI officer
  • Alina Mahai

    IOM  Programme Coordinator Refugee Response
In March, the Basic Needs Working Group provided around 3,757,926 US$ worth of regular cash, winterization assistances and non-food item (NFIs) to vulnerable beneficiaries from the refugee and host Community.
12 Apr 2018
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