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  • DRC Situation

      يوجد 26 نتيجة

      • A long road in worn-out shoes: The refugee football team scoring success in Zambia – Aljazeera/ UNHCR, 14 Dec.

        news UNHCR, 14 Dec 2023 (1 year ago )
        Meheba refugee settlement in Zambia is not only the size of Singapore but it is the home of Meheba Academy Football Club. It has not only set its sights on making a name for itself, nationally & internationally but it is also an example of the importance of refugee inclusion in the communities hosti...

        news UNHCR Kawambwa, 28 Sep 2020 (4 years ago )
        GERMAN-FUNDED SCHOLARSHIP GIVES HOPE TO A YOUNG REFUGEE By Bruce Mulenga Every year, millions of people, among them, children are forced to flee their homes to escape conflict and persecution and, in the process, miss out on education opportunities. It is already a hard thing to be a refugee ...
      • Congolese statistics

        news UNHCR Zambia, 31 Mar 2019 (6 years ago )
        Statistics of active Congolese as of 31 March 2019.
      • We need peace in DRC

        news Zambia Daily Mail Limited, 04 Nov 2018 (6 years ago )
        AS THE Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) prepares to hold elections on December 23, the world is anxiously waiting to see what the outcome will be. President Lungu, who is chairperson of the Southern African Development Committee (SADC) organ on politics, defence and security, has called for credi...
      • New Zambia settlement gives refugees and hosts a chance to prosper

        news UNHCR, 21 Sep 2018 (6 years ago )
        A new approach that lets refugees live alongside the local community in Mantapala Settlement is boosting livelihoods for all.
      • Former teacher’s passion revived through teaching refugees in Angola

        news UNHCR, 20 Aug 2018 (6 years ago )
        After being displaced by conflict in the DRC, Congolese refugee resumes his calling as a teacher, imparting knowledge to refugee students
      • Centres de Baccalauréat proches des camps de réfugiés (VOA Afrique)

        news VOA Afrique, 18 Jul 2018 (6 years ago )
        79.600 candidats prennent part aux épreuves du baccalauréat de l’enseignement du second degré, session de juillet 2018, dans 94 centres, malgré la grève lancée depuis le 28 mai par la plateforme syndicale qui paralyse le secteur éducatif.
      • Empowering vulnerable Congolese refugees in Uganda through cash.

        news Danish Refugee Council, 09 Jul 2018 (6 years ago )
        Empowering vulnerable Congolese refugees in Uganda through cash. The money is from a six-months unconditional cash transfer project now in its fourth month of implementation by the Danish Refugee Council. The project is funded by the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) and th...
      • Vital support is helping thousands of refugees get primary health care in Tanzania

        news UNHCR, 19 Jun 2018 (6 years ago )
        Over 300,000 refugees living in Tanzania are accessing crucial health services thanks to funding by IrishAid, the Government of Ireland’s official agency for international development. This vital donor support, is helping UNHCR facilitate access for refugees to primary healthcare and reproductive he...
      • Zambia to relocate DRC refugees to permanent settlement by end of July

        news XINHUANET, 06 Jun 2018 (6 years ago )
        LUSAKA, June 5 (Xinhua) -- The Zambian government expects to relocate all the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) refugees currently being kept at a temporary transit center in Nchelenge district in Luapula Province by the end of July, the United Nations (UN) refugee agency said on Tuesday. Zambia...