نموذج البحث

يوجد 904 شركاء

الترتيب حسب:
  • Polish Humanitarian Action


    The Polish Humanitarian Action is a Polish non-governmental organization which operates in Poland and other countries. PHA has been operating since 1992. In 2004, they were granted the status of a public benefit organization.
  • Practical Action Organization


    Practical Action is a development charity registered in the United Kingdom which works directly in four regions of the developing world – Latin America, East Africa, Southern Africa and South Asia, with particular concentration on Peru, Bolivia, Kenya, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh and Nepal.
  • Premiere Urgence - Aide Medicale Internationale

    Premiere Urgence - Aide Medicale Internationale


    Première Urgence Internationale is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious international NGO. Première Urgence Internationale helps civilians who are marginalised or excluded as a result of natural disasters, war and economic collapse. Our mission is to defend basic human rights, such as those set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.
  • Pressley Ridge Hungary Foundation

    Pressley Ridge Hungary Foundation

    Pressley Ridge

    The Pressley Ridge Hungary Foundation aims to increase the chances of successful life management for young people with severe behavioural, integration and emotional difficulties by broadening the methodological culture of professionals and helpers working with them and their families and neighbourhoods. Through both institution-based and after-school programs, the foundation aims to prevent early school leaving, which is unfortunately common among these young people, and to promote a happy and active life. The Pressley Ridge Hungary Foundation serves troubled and troubling youths and their families. We provide institution based and after school programs to prevent early school leaving and foster happy and productive life.
  • Progetto mondo mlal

    Progetto mondo mlal

    Da sempre impegnata nella difesa dei diritti umani, Progettomondo.mlal è un’organizzazione non governativa di cooperazione internazionale, nata nel 1966 per promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile, una nuova forma di giustizia e una migrazione consapevole in America Latina e in Africa. In Italia e in Europa l’Ong promuove la Global education e l'incontro fra culture differenti.
  • Programa de Soporte a la Autoayuda de Personas Seropositivas


    PROSA (Programa de Soporte a la Autoayuda de Personas Seropositivas) es una organización peruana sin fines de lucro formada por personas viviendo con VIH/SIDA, que se inició en el año 1990, promoviendo la autoayuda y la ayuda mutua entre las personas afectadas por el VIH/SIDA, sus familiares y allegados.
  • Programme d'Urgence et de renforcements de la Securite des Communautes


    Programme d'Urgence et de renforcements de la Securite des Communautes (PURS)