نموذج البحث

يوجد 904 شركاء

الترتيب حسب:
  • MedGlobal



    We provide needs-based, life-saving and life-sustaining, medical services in partnership with local organizations to those most vulnerable around the globe.
  • MedSpot Fundation

    MedSpot Fundation


    The name of the MedSpot Foundation is inspired by the English equivalent of our mission: Medicine on the Spot that is to say medical help where it is needed. Our main aim is to provide discounted, or in justified cases, free medical care and assistance to people who need a specific medical and mental health approach, or who have been excluded from the community care system for some reason, or could only have access to its services with great difficulty. The operation of the foundation is therefore supported by professionals (doctors, psychologists and other health care workers) who have the necessary knowledge and who believe it is important that people have equal access to the health care they need.
  • Medecins Sans Frontieres

    Medecins Sans Frontieres


    Médecins Sans Frontières est une association médicale humanitaire internationale, créée en 1971 à Paris par des médecins et des journalistes. MSF intervient dans des situations d’exception (conflits, épidémies, catastrophes naturelles) et de grande précarité, afin de porter assistance à ceux dont la vie ou la santé est menacée. L’association délivre ses secours en toute indépendance et impartialité et se réserve le droit de s’exprimer publiquement sur les situations dont ses équipes peuvent être témoin.