نموذج البحث

يوجد 904 شركاء

الترتيب حسب:
  • Association de soutien à l'autopromotion sanitaire urbaine

    Association de soutien à l'autopromotion sanitaire urbaine


    Peuples autochtones et minorités - Sécurité alimentaire - Santé hors VIH - VIH / SIDA - Eau et assainissement - Action sociale et lutte contre l'exclusion - Femmes & Problèmes de Genre - Finance, corruption et transparence - Normes, lois et réglementations - Support et renforcement du secteur associatif - Santé - Social
  • Association des Animateurs et Encadreurs pour le Developpement Communautaire


    Association des Animateurs et Encadreurs pour le Developpement Communautaire
  • Association des Femmes Juristes de Cote d'Ivoire

    Association des Femmes Juristes de Cote d'Ivoire


    Pour atteindre ses objectifs, l’AFJCI mène des activités en promouvant et renforçant les capacités sur le droit et l’accès à la justice en Côte d’Ivoire. Elle utilise diverses méthodologies dont : Des conférences, des séminaires, des médiatisations, des tables rondes, des consultations, des stages de formations, des mobilisations communautaires, du lobbying, des publications, des manifestations culturelles, des brochures de vulgarisation du Droit, la formation de para juristes et diverses sensibilisation.
  • Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants


    The main objective of the Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM) is to provide solutions for the problems encountered by the refugees and asylum seekers and to support these groups towards meeting their basic needs. For this aim, ASAM carries out activities including providing psycho-social counseling for refugees and asylum seekers, raising awareness in public regarding the refugees and asylum seekers and drawing the attention of the related authorities to the problems of these groups. ASAM provides services to refugees and asylum seekers without discrimination on the basis of language, religion, gender, race, sexual orientation or political stance.
  • Association for the Social Support of Youth

    Association for the Social Support of Youth


    ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth is a Non Governmental Organization, specializing in the social support of youth that are in difficulty or danger and in the advocacy of their rights. The main target is the prevention of youth marginalisation, the elaboration of policies which defend youth rights and the active social support towards disadvantaged young people.
  • Association of Assistance Solidarity and Support for Refugees and Asylum-Seekers


    ASRA, is a non-governmental and humanitarian aid organisation which mainly aims at meeting basic needs and improving living conditions of the individuals and communities who are affected by humanitarian crisis, conflicts, human rights violations and natural disasters.ASRA continues its works at national and international level within principles of non-discrimination, transparency, impartiality, and accountability, according to the international standards of humanitarian privacy. ASRA has a role in enhancing living conditions of crisis affected individuals and communities through activities and emergency responses carried out at national and international level.ASRA, by carrying out field studies which regularly analyze the conditions of crisis affected people, and publishing situation reports; directs the attention of relevant organisations to crisis regions.ASRA, pursuant to the principles of non-discrimination, transparency, impartiality and accountability, adopts direct and quick response to the crisis affected individuals and communities, as the main principle.
  • Association of Ethiopians Educated in Germany

    Association of Ethiopians Educated in Germany


    Association of Ethiopians Educated in Germany