
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations


Loading Sea and land arrivals from January 2017

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Sea and land arrivals from January 2017","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"timechartType","population_group":["0;4797","0;4798"],"hide_households_tooltip":"1","limit":"","fromDate":"","color":"#9A9A9A","frequency":"month","chartType":"column","async":"1","type":"country","widget_id":502035,"position":"left","locale":"ar","title":"Sea and land arrivals from January 2017","subtitle":"","country":{},"geo_id":729,"sv_id":0}]
  أخبار من

World Refugee Day - Reports of three new shipwrecks in the Mediterranean Sea

UNHCR, 20 Jun 2017

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Cécile Pouilly – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. 20 June 2017 UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency received information last night about three new shipwrecks in the Mediterrane... إقرأ المزيد


Desperate Journeys

Refugees and migrants entering and crossing Europe via the Mediterranean and Western Balkans routes, 27 Feb 2017

In a new report, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, details the impact of the increased border restrictions introduced in 2016 on refugee and migrant movements towards and inside Europe. It shows that people continued to move but undertook more diversified and dangerous journeys, often relying on smuggle... إقرأ المزيد


UNHCR conducts training on Refugee Law for the Libyan Coastguard and Navy

UNHCR, 01 Feb 2017

Tunis, Tunisia – 1 February 2017. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is conducting a two-week course on human rights and refugee law for the Libyan Coastguard and Navy. The training is being held on an Italian ship crossing the Mediterranean Sea. “This training represents an important opportunity t... إقرأ المزيد

Loading Total arrivals in 2024 *

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Total arrivals in 2024 *","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"annualTotalPopulationType","population_group":["0;4797","0;4798"],"limit":"","fromDate":"","color":"#303030","frequency":"year","chartType":"spline","async":"1","type":"country","widget_id":502038,"position":"right","locale":"ar","title":"Total arrivals in 2024 *","subtitle":"","country":{},"geo_id":729,"sv_id":0}]
Sea arrivals in 2024 * JSON 
آخر تحديث 28 Jul 2024
Land arrivals in 2024 JSON 
آخر تحديث 28 Jul 2024
Previous years Sea arrivals* Land arrivals Dead and missing**
2023 57,071 467 1,403
2022 29,895 1,868 1,221
2021 41,979 1,218 1,571
2020 40,326 1,535 821
2019 26,168 6,345 685
2018 58,569 6,814 811
2017 22,103 6,246 209
2016 8,162 6,443 102
2015 5,312 11,624 67

* Including the sea arrivals to Canary Islands. Data are as of 31 December 2023. ** Including the incidents occured along the NW African maritime and Western Mediterranean routes.

Location of arrivals in 2024 (land and sea) JSON 
موقع Source تاريخ البيانات Population
Mainland Andalucia 28 Jul 2024   42.0% 3,239
Ceuta 28 Jul 2024   17.9% 1,379
Melilla 28 Jul 2024   2.7% 205
Balearic Islands 21 Jul 2024   21.8% 1,679
Region of Murcia 1 Jul 2024   8.0% 617
Valencian Community 1 Jul 2024   7.6% 587

Loading Sea arrivals from January 2019

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Sea arrivals from January 2019","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"timechartType","population_group":["1;38"],"limit":"","fromDate":"","color":"#3c8dbc","frequency":"month","chartType":"column","async":"1","type":"country","widget_id":502046,"position":"right","locale":"ar","title":"Sea arrivals from January 2019","subtitle":"","country":{},"geo_id":729,"sv_id":0}]

Loading Land arrivals from January 2019

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Land arrivals from January 2019","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"timechartType","population_group":["0;4798"],"limit":"","fromDate":"","color":"#009947","frequency":"month","chartType":"column","useAdmRootLevelData":"1","async":"1","type":"country","widget_id":502047,"position":"right","locale":"ar","title":"Land arrivals from January 2019","subtitle":"","country":{},"geo_id":729,"sv_id":0}]
ACNUR España
Página de la Representación de ACNUR en España
UNHCR Spain website
UNHCR Spain website
* Includes arrivals to the Canary Islands
Important- Before using the information in this portal and associated documents, please read the disclaimer
The Mediterranean Refugees/Migrants Data Portal is hosted by UNHCR - For more information, contact: [email protected]